



How to Self-Diagnose Your Athlete’s Arm Pain

Late spring into early summer is one of the most common times we see shoulder and elbow injuries. A lot of parents often ask me what “warning signs” they should be looking for with their son or daughter’s arm pain. Most importantly they want to know if the pain is serious or not.

To a certain extent, we come from a place where we believe the motto “no pain, no gain”, and in some cases, I fully agree with that mindset. But at other times, this mindset can be very detrimental. How do you determine which pain is okay to play through and which pain is not? Here are four common arm pain areas to evaluate and guidelines to help you decide if your athlete should get the area checked out.

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The Proper Use of Ladders During a Workout

We are probably all way too familiar with ladder drills. Most of us may recall doing countless rounds of them during high school or college practices back in the day. In the modern world of workouts are these drills still relevant?

I have many coaches ask me how they can properly incorporate ladders into their workouts and question what benefits they have for their athletes. 

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What Everybody Ought to Know About: Concussion Protocol Evolution

Around 2004, while the head athletic trainer at a Class A high school in Lincoln, NE, I had the good fortune of being part of a research study that was looking at the use of a computerized tool for assessing concussion. The name of the program was ANAM and it assessed things similar to what we know today as ImPact.  In watching football players take this test after sustaining a concussion and comparing it to their baseline, I started to notice something that made me sick to my stomach.

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10 Things We Treat Besides Shoulders

As anyone knows who has ever been in one of our clinics, our physical therapists including myself like to chat it up with our patients. I feel like in the 9 years of Athletes’ Training Center being open I have talked with patients on just about every topic…many times over.
Therefore, most things do not tend to catch me off guard. However the other day during a conversation with a patient of mine, I heard something I was not prepared for.

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3 Common Push Up Mistakes & How to Correct Them

The push up movement is one that I see many of our members struggle with. It isn’t because they are not capable of doing them.

I think most of the time they struggle because they are not aware of what a proper push up should look like.

We are here to direct you on the right path to doing a shoulder friendly and strong abdominal push up.

Let’s dive into 3 common mistakes that we see our members make when they are trying their push ups.

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