


May 15, 2020

Our Response to COVID-19

If you are a current patient or client, please read the following carefully. 

Our response to COVID-19

Many rely on us for quality outcomes following surgery or progression towards living a pain free or injury free life.  We also know healthy people need to continue to enjoy the benefits exercise provides for enhancing the immune system, as well as our young people will need outlets for an unprecedented impact on their sports identity.  For these reasons, we will remain open to serve you. We will, however, be adjusting how we conduct business and we need your help and patience as we make those changes. 

We have implemented a rigorous cleaning plan to enhance the existing health care facility cleaning routine we follow.  We will continue this practice, as well as the following: 

We will focus on social distancing within our facility

How this affects physical therapy services:

  • Physical therapy appointments will be 45 minutes in length and will be conducted one on one with your provider.  A member of our team will be contacting those with scheduled appointments to make the necessary adjustments. We ask for your patience through this process.  If possible, please wait for us to contact you. An influx of calls to our front desk will only slow down the process of working to achieve this goal.
  • We will be distancing treatment tables to provide “treatment zones” which will allow our patients and providers to stay in areas with appropriate social distance from others also engaged in treatment.
  • We will limit the sharing of common equipment.  This will include issuing each patient their own bands, which will be stored on site for your visits.  This will allow us to perform resistance work without sharing close quarters with others.
  • Our physical therapists will be wearing medical masks and gloves while conducting hands on treatments.

How this affects sports performance and adult fitness services:

  • Training session times will be reduced by 10 minutes to allow our coaching team to clean and prepare for the next group.
  • Programming will be adjusted to allow each client to train in zones with appropriate social distance from others and avoiding sharing of equipment.
  • Our coaching team will refrain from hands on cueing.

Additional things we need you to consider

  • Bring your own water bottle to avoid using the water fountains.
  • Wash your hands or utilize hand sanitizer upon entering our facility.
  • If you are sick, please stay home.
  • Stay positive with your discussions with your provider or performance coach.  Let’s stay focused on reaching your goals.

Bringing children and others to your appointment

We realize many of you will have children at home now too.  If you must bring children with you to your appointment, please ensure they are staying in your “treatment zone” with you.  Our normal expectation is that your children are not freely roaming our facility or playing on equipment, so please understand we need to be very mindful of this given the current situation.  Be sure to bring plenty to keep them busy for the 45 minutes and if they are unable to entertain themselves appropriately, please consider it may not be appropriate to bring them with you to the appointment.  

If you have traveled outside of the country

We will be following the Centers for Disease Control travel recommendations.  If you have recently traveled outside of the United States to an area with an alert status, we ask you to refrain from scheduling appointments until you have taken the recommended steps upon your return.

In conclusion

We encourage you to educate yourself with credible information regarding COVID-19 by visiting the Centers for Disease Control website.

We believe if we all work together, we can continue to serve your needs while focusing on the safety of you and our staff.  Do not hesitate to ask questions at any time or contact Danielle Kleber at if you need to discuss anything prior to your appointments.

Thank you for your business!

The Athletes’ Training Center Team

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