



Lifting Weights Overhead is a Privilege, Not a Right

Today’s fitness mindset is evolving. Today, more and more people are doing exercises that require them to lift or hold weights overhead.  In the past, the most common overhead exercise was the military press. People would use that exercise to try to sculpt their deltoids.  

Today, thanks in part to CrossFit and it’s branch-offs, overhead squats, snatches, jerks, and hand stand push-ups are commonly found in many people’s routines.  But should they be?

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How to Self-Diagnose Your Athlete’s Arm Pain

Late spring into early summer is one of the most common times we see shoulder and elbow injuries. A lot of parents often ask me what “warning signs” they should be looking for with their son or daughter’s arm pain. Most importantly they want to know if the pain is serious or not.

To a certain extent, we come from a place where we believe the motto “no pain, no gain”, and in some cases, I fully agree with that mindset. But at other times, this mindset can be very detrimental. How do you determine which pain is okay to play through and which pain is not? Here are four common arm pain areas to evaluate and guidelines to help you decide if your athlete should get the area checked out.

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